531 Melwood Avenue, Oakland, PA. 15213

Tomas Reyes Walker

Tomas Reyes Walker is one of our seasoned technicians on the floor at Vinny’s! He was born in Los Angeles, California and grew up working on cars with his older brothers. Tom has been working on all kinds of vehicles for about 24 years now along with doing miscellaneous other things throughout his life including Civilian contracting in the middle east as apart of the United States Military. Tom prefers working on all the classics when it comes to cars with his vintage style. He is also the father of his only son Lucas, who he loves spending time with after work and on the weekends. Tom enjoys riding four wheelers and side by sides up at camp with his older brother Vince and their family. Tom works hard everyday he walks through the doors and ensures that vehicles get completed correctly and efficiently to the best of his ability.